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Over the past 75 years, Kelner & Kelner Esqs has helped New Yorkers recover over $1 billion in verdicts and settlements. Our track record is second to none.

Past results do not provide guarantees, but if you retain our law firm, you can feel confident that we will aggressively represent you and your family to get the maximum compensation you deserve.

Firm Successes

$40 Million Verdict — Truck Accident/Wrongful Death: A commercial truck struck an overpass, causing the container to separate from the truck and fly through the front of our client’s vehicle, which resulted in the death of a 63-year-old man whose wife was driving their vehicle. The vehicle swerved to avoid the container, hitting a Walmart truck, and then overturned. The verdict of approximately $29 million-plus interest totaled over $40 million, which is the largest recovery ever in Orange County, New York.

$36 Million Verdict — Subway Accident: A 19-year-old man was struck by a New York City subway train. He was paralyzed as a result of the accident and was awarded one of New York’s largest verdicts. The case was tried in Brooklyn.

$27 Million Verdict — Construction Accident: A man in his 50s fell off a ladder at a construction site and suffered a brain injury. The case was tried in Manhattan Supreme Court.

$25 Million Settlement — Bicycle Accident: A 33-year-old man was struck by a cable company’s commercial van while he was riding his bicycle in the Bronx. He suffered numerous and substantial injuries to his head and brain, jaw, arms and legs, which required 15 surgeries. The settlement was reached in the Bronx.

$23 Million Verdict — Motorcycle Accident: A man in his 20s riding his motorcycle was involved in a collision with a commercial truck and suffered severe spinal injuries. The case was tried in Supreme Court, Queens County, New York.

Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death Settlement: Kelner & Kelner Esqs represented the family of Maurice Gibb, a member of the Bee Gees. A confidential settlement was reached with a confidential defendant.

$19.1 Million Verdict — Subway Accident: A 55-year-old man’s leg was caught in the gap between a New York City subway train and platform. He was dragged when the train left the station, causing severe leg injuries. The jury verdict against the New York City Transit Authority was reached in New York County.

$16.5 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A 42-year-old male construction worker fell from a sidewalk bridge during demolition. As a result of the accident, our client became a paraplegic. The settlement was awarded in New York County.

$12.5 Million Verdict — Bus Accident: A 47-year-old man was struck by a New York City Transit Authority bus while parked in Queens. He suffered two spinal cord injuries, which required multiple surgeries.

$10.4 Million Verdict — Construction Accident: A male laborer in his 50s suffered serious injuries when a sidewalk bridge collapsed on a construction site. The jury verdict was awarded in Supreme Court, Bronx County, New York.

$10 Million (Approximately) Settlement — Construction Accident: A man in his 50s suffered a below-the-knee amputation of his leg when a ladder collapsed. The settlement was reached in Supreme Court, New York County.

$10 Million (Approximately) Verdict — Municipal Worker Accident: The foot of a municipal worker in his 50s was crushed when it was run over by the wheel of a municipal truck. The jury verdict was awarded in Supreme Court in Staten Island, New York.

$9.8 Million Settlement — Subway Accident: A man in his mid-50s was dragged by a New York City subway train, which resulted in severe leg injuries. The settlement was reached in New York County.

$9.7 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A 50-year-old male worker was injured on a construction site in Manhattan. As a result of the accident, he suffered a below-the knee amputation. The settlement was reach just before trial in New York County.

$9 Million Settlement — Wrongful Death: A 49-year-old man who was washing windows in Manhattan fell 13 stories to his death. The case settled just prior to trial in Bronx County, New York.

$9 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A 50-year-old construction worker suffered serious head injuries when he fell from an unanchored wooden beam, which was used as a forklift pallet at an American Airlines terminal. The settlement was awarded in the Eastern District of New York, Federal Court.

$9 Million Settlement — Auto Accident: A 64-year-old man was involved in a car accident on the Long Island Expressway. The victim was rear-ended by a vehicle and suffered brain injuries.

$9 Million Settlement — Municipal Worker Wrongful Death: A municipal worker was killed in a motor vehicle accident in Queens. The victim was crushed as a result of a truck accident. This is believed to be the highest wrongful death recovery for a uniformed worker in New York history.

$8.5 Million Settlement — Auto Accident: A 25-year-old female suffered brain injuries when she was struck by a hit-and-run car in Long Island.

$7.9 Million Verdict — Medical Malpractice/Surgical Error: A male, age 61, was injured in a Brooklyn hospital when a neurosurgeon performed cervical fusion surgery. The surgical error resulted in the patient being partially paralyzed and totally disabled. The verdict was awarded in Kings County, New York.

$7.25 Million Settlement — Personal Injury: A settlement was reached for a former New York City corrections officer who attempted suicide with her city-issued firearm. Her suicide attempt resulted in her becoming fully paralyzed. The settlement was reached as her mental health should have precluded her from carrying a firearm, which was negligence by her employer, the city of New York.

$7 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A 40-year-old male worker suffered spinal injuries after falling from a baker’s scaffold at a construction site. The settlement was reached in Bronx County, New York.

$6.5 Settlement — Car Accident: Our client was a restrained passenger traveling in her own car was severely injured when a vehicle operated by defendant rear ended her car while trying to overtake it illegally from the right in the same lane it was traveling in. This resulted in our client’s car being propelled into the opposite direction of traffic, where it was then struck head on by an oncoming vehicle. The accident occurred in Glen Cove, NY.

Our Client sustained numerous injuries as a result of this accident, including a spinal fracture and uro-gynocological injuries.

The case settled in Queens County, NY.

$6 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A male roofer, age 36, was severely injured after a roof collapse. He suffered spinal injuries, which required multiple surgeries. The settlement was reached in Bronx County, New York.

$5.75 Million Settlement — Premises Accident: A 37-year-old female was injured in a building in Queens when the external walkway collapsed. She suffered multiple fractures to her face, torso, arms and legs, which required multiple surgeries.

$5.73 Million Verdict — Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death: A 56-year-old elevator mechanic was recovering from a minor stroke when he had surgery to place a feeding tube in his stomach. During surgery, his blood pressure dropped too low, which resulted in brain damage. The verdict against New York Presbyterian Hospital for medical malpractice and wrongful death was awarded in Queens County, New York.

$5.25 Million Settlement — Municipal Worker Accident: A municipal worker, age 38, suffered significant injures to his ankle, which was crushed by a forklift. The settlement was reached against the city of New York during trial in New York County.

$5.1 Million Verdict — Bus Accident: A woman in her 40s, suffered a partial amputation of her foot when a New York City bus ran her over. The jury verdict against the New York City Transit Authority was awarded in New York County.

$5.1 Million Verdict — Municipal Worker Accident/Slip-and-Fall: A 48-year-old New York City municipal worker significantly injured his knee, which was replaced. The injury was caused when he slipped and fell in a puddle of oil caused by a leaking garbage truck. The verdict was awarded against the city of New York in Kings County.

$5 Million Verdict — Motor Vehicle Accident: A pedestrian, age 36, suffered multiple leg fractures and injuries to his pelvis and hand when he was struck by a motor vehicle on the sidewalk in Brooklyn. An unlicensed driver was directed to move a double-parked car by a New York City police officer. The verdict was awarded in Kings County, New York.

$5 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A welder injured his spine, which required surgery, when he fell from a ladder. The case settled in New York County.

$5 Million Settlement — Medical Malpractice/Brain-Damaged Baby: A settlement was reached with a New York City area hospital for an infant who was injured during childbirth.

$4.5 Million Settlement — Truck Accident: A 54-year-old commercial truck driver suffered brain injuries and fractured his skull when he struck a defective guide rail in Orange County, New York. The case was settled prior to the federal court trial in United Sates Federal Count, Southern District.

$4.5 Million Verdict — Construction Accident: A steel welder in his 50s was injured when he fell off an unsecured latter on a construction site in Manhattan. The verdict was awarded in New York County against the city of New York.

$4.25 Million Settlement — Truck Accident: A male in his late 60s was injured when he was hit by a commercial truck in New Jersey.

$4.030 Million Verdict *— Pedestrian Knockdown: Top 10 Highest Verdict in New York, 2020

Our client was crossing the street in Washington Heights, where she was struck by a commercial van. As a result, our client sustained numerous injuries including: neck fracture, broken rib, head injury, torn meniscus and wrist injury. The case went to trial where a significant jury verdict was awarded in Supreme Court of New York.

To read more details about this case – click here

$4 Million Settlement — Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death: A Queens hospital misdiagnosed a head injury, which resulted in the death of our client.

$4 Million Settlement — Subway Train Accident: A 49-year-old woman was struck by a New York City subway train and both of her legs were amputated as a result. The settlement was reached prior to trial in New York County.

$3.82 Million Settlement — Civil Rights/Wrongful Death: A Rikers Island inmate was unconstitutionally denied medical care, which resulted in his wrongful death. The settlement was reached in United States Federal Court, Southern District.

$3.8 Million Settlement — Burn Victim: A teenage girl suffered severe burns to her neck, arms, back and legs when her New York City shelter apartment caught on fire. She had multiple skin graphs and surgeries as a result of the burns. The settlement was reached in New York County.

$3.8 Million Settlement — Construction Worker Wrongful Death: A 40-year-old male construction worker died as a result of a defective scaffold on an Ulster County construction site. Settlement was reached prior to trial.

$3.750 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A construction worker, age 30, injured his hand when he slipped on a wet boom on a Long Island construction site. As a result of the accident, several of his fingers were amputated. The settlement was reached in Nassau County, New York.

$3.6 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A male in his mid-50s fell from an elevated bucket and injured his head. The defendant, who was the landowner, had no insurance. The case settled in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

$3.6 Million Settlement — Pedestrian Accident: A 72-year-old male was struck by a van while crossing the street in Manhattan. Our client suffered brain injuries. The settlement was reached in Kings County, New York.

$3.5 Million Settlement — Medical Malpractice/Failure to Diagnose: A 56-year-old male bank executive became partially paralyzed as a result of a Suffolk County hospital’s failure to timely diagnose and treat a brain infection. The settlement was reached prior to trial in Suffolk County, New York.

$3.25 Million Settlement — Workplace Injury: A laborer fell into a septic tank filled with waste and injured his leg and inhaled sewage. The settlement was reached in New York County.

$3.25 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A 43-year-old worker was injured when a waste tank collapsed. He was cleaning a municipal sewage tank in preparation for demolition. The settlement was achieved in Brooklyn, New York.

$3.1 Million Verdict — Premises Liability: A 16-year-old boy fractured his ankle in a skateboarding accident at a skate park in the Bronx. The jury verdict against the city of New York was reached in Bronx County.

$3 Million Verdict — Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death: A 30-year-old woman died as a result of a delayed cancer diagnosis by a Westchester surgeon. Her estate was awarded the wrongful death compensation in Westchester County, New York.

$3 Million Settlement — Roofing Accident: A male roofer in his 30s fell off a roof in New Jersey. As a result of the fall, the roofer suffered paralysis. The case settled prior to trial in Orange County, New York.

$2.945 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A laborer, age 29, fractured his elbow and hip when he fell during construction of a building in Manhattan. The case settled in New York County.

$2.875 Million Settlement — Roofing Accident: A 40-year-old roofer fell off a roof and suffered multiple injuries to his knee and shoulder and fractured his toe. He was working on the roof of a commercial building in New Jersey. The case settled prior to trial in Orange County, New York.

$2.6 Million Settlement — Motor Vehicle Accident: A woman in her 40s was severely injured in an auto accident.

$2.55 Million Settlement — Construction Accident (New York State Labor Law): A carpenter in his 30s fractured his wrist when a ladder collapsed on a construction site in Manhattan. The settlement was reached under New York State Labor Law Section 240.

$2.5 Million Settlement — Road Defect/Motor Vehicle Accident: A 19-year-old woman injured her spine when her car skidded on a defective road that had flooded into a median and was then struck by another vehicle. The case settled in Queens County and in the Court of Claims.

$2.5 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A construction worker in his 40s was injured when he fell off a ladder. He suffered multiple injures, which required surgery. The settlement was reached in Brooklyn.

$2.5 Million Settlement — Construction Accident/Wrongful Death: A male painter died when a box truck overturned in Westchester, New York. Our client left behind children, but no spouse. The case settled in Kings County, New York.

$2.4 Million Settlement — Construction Accident — (New York State Labor Law): A 32-year-old electrician was injured when she fell through an unguarded opening during the renovation of Chelsea Piers in Manhattan. She suffered a herniated disk in her lower back and a meniscus tear; both required surgery.

$2.3 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A construction worker in his 50s was hit in the head by a falling object and suffered a significant head injury. The case settled in Orange County, New York.

$2,050,000 Settlement — Construction Accident: A construction worker in his 60s suffered injuries when equipment fell on him while he was working in a New York City subway tunnel. The settlement was reached in New York County before trial.

$2 Million Verdict — Medical Malpractice/Failure to Diagnose: A 45-year-old patient received a delayed diagnosis for high-velocity PSA levels as a result of his physician failing to refer him to a urologist. The delayed diagnosis of prostate cancer resulted in reduced life expectancy and more invasive treatment. The verdict against the physician was reached in Queens County, New York.

$2 Million Verdict — Construction Accident: A 65-year-old bricklayer fell off a scaffold on a construction site in Brooklyn and fractured his heel. The injury was so significant that it caused a permanent limp in his right leg. The verdict against Exxon Mobil was awarded in Kings County, New York.

$2 Million Settlement — Window Washer Accident: A male, age 47, fractured his heel when a ladder collapsed while he was washing windows. The settlement was reached in New York County.

$2 Million Settlement — Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA): A railroad worker in his 50s injured his spine on a construction project at the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) train station on Long Island. The settlement was reached in United Sates Federal Count, Southern District.

$1.9 Million Settlement — Pedestrian Accident: A city of New York sanitation worker in his mid-50s was severely injured when a truck struck a car, which then hit our client. He had spinal surgery and even with a pre-existing condition, the substantial settlement was reached in New York County.

$1.8 Million Settlement — Motor Vehicle Accident: A 40-year-old male was struck by a federal government vehicle while exiting his van in Manhattan. He suffered a brain injury as a result. The settlement was reached under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

$1.7 Million Settlement — Commercial Truck Accident: On the Long Island Expressway, an overloaded commercial shipping truck collided with our client’s car, resulting in severe injuries. This was the first time in New York that a commercial shipper was held liable for a personal injury claim. The settlement was reached in Nassau County, NY.

$1.5 Million Settlement — Unsafe Workplace Accident: A New York City municipal worker in his late 40s injured his neck, which required spinal surgery. The gas pedal in his truck was defective, which resulted in an accident. The settlement was reached in Kings County, New York.

$1.5 Million Settlement – Trip-and-Fall/ City of New York Worker: A female in her 40s severely injured her spine, which required surgery, when she tripped and fell in a hole covered by water in a city garage. The settlement was reached with the city of New York.

$1.495 Million Verdict — Pedestrian Knockdown Accident: A 41-year-old union factory worker was struck by a commercial van while crossing the street. Her wrist was fractured in the accident, which required multiple surgeries. The verdict was awarded in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

$1.4 Million Settlement – City of New York Worker: A city worker in his 40s injured his foot, which required surgery, when he was hit by a city of New York truck. The settlement was reached with the city of New York.

$1.3 Million Settlement — Negligent Security: A woman in her 60s was injured at a New York sporting event. The settlement was reached in New York County.

$1.25 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A female stationary engineer was injured on a construction site when she fell from a ladder and fractured both of her wrists. The case settled in New York County.

$1.249 Million Settlement — Commercial Cleaning Accident (New York State Labor Law): A female in her 40s, was injured when she fell off a ladder while cleaning air ducts at the South Street Seaport in Manhattan. She fractured both wrists, which required surgery. The case settled in New York County.

$1.15 Million Settlement — Negligent Security: A woman visiting New York was sexually assaulted in a Manhattan hotel. The claim for negligent security was settled prior to trial.

$1.1 Million Settlement — Motor Vehicle Accident: A woman in her 20s was hit by a car in Manhattan. The case settled in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

$1.1 Million Settlement — Construction Accident: A laborer in his mid-50s fell from a ladder. The case settled in Westchester County, New York.

Wrongful Conviction — Confidential settlement: A man was wrongfully convicted of attempted murder in Brooklyn.

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